LIVE REVIEW: COLOURMIND Single Launch With Special Guests Nylon Stroke, Ojay and Heligan

Four5Nine, Rosemount Hotel Perth - 11th May 2024


It was a warm night for local legends to be hitting the stage heating things up in the Four5Nine bar at the Rosemount in Perth for Colourmind’s new single launch, Quarter Life Crisis. They were joined by friends Nylon Stroke, Ojay and Heligan to help rock the night. If you ever want to see bands who are confident in what they do and how they do it, then go see the rock legends, Nylon Stroke, Ojay, Heligan and Colourmind, you will not be disappointed!

The first band to hit the stage were 3-piece local rockers, Nylon Stroke, made up of 3 good mates. Nylon Stroke is the brain child of Adam Healy, formerly of Colourmind. Healy roars on vocals and bass guitar, Gregor MacDonald slays on lead electric guitar and Nate Lee smashes it out on the drums. The shirtless trio squashed onto the stage of the Four5Nine and produced a sound much bigger than what you would expect from just 3 people!

Nylon Stroke

Nate was hitting the drums hard as the first riffs of String Me Up sounded, washing the crowd in punk rock melodies for an awesome eargasm to begin the night. Their second track, Get Ya Nylons was an equally tasty follow-up before they launched into a song that Lee wrote called She Called Shotgun. This proving drummers are more than just hard-hitters, it was one of the more popular tracks of their set with a similar vibe to alt-rock gods, The Strokes, but with way more guitar solo courtesy of MacDonald’s wizard fingers.

Healy began handing out free Emu Export cans to the crowd, explaining their next song was about getting drunk and what happens. Tipsy Talk was a slow methodical rhythmic track with lyrics telling a narrative of tipsy talking – a place we have all been before! Healy is a left-handed bass lord who knows how to drop the beat down and speed it up again as he played the deep juicy sounding notes and sang at the same time (no small task!)

Nylon Stroke

Their next track picked up the pace as Healy yelled to the crowd ‘you guys want to lock it into high gear?’ and the crowd cheered back in response. Pennywise Lives was a song that Nylon Stroke wrote for a documentary called Pennywise: The Story of IT. It was indeed kicked into high gear as the fast paced track saw Nylon Stroke rock out hard, with drummer Lee not sitting still for one single second of it as arms and legs were always moving and always doing something, always hitting something.

Bluetooth technology really allows musicians to get closer to the crowds and move wirelessly, and Healy did just that during Nothing Is Easy and Vigilante. He stepped down off the stage and came into the crowd, rocking out with the guys and playing bass right in the middle of the front rows. I loved seeing this because it shows that musicians are really just like the rest of us, who want to rock out too. Nylon Stroke finished their set with another wicked guitar solo interlude into a cover of Pretty Vacant by the Sex Pistols. There is nothing these three punk rockers from Perth can’t do, as they ended with a roaring stage presence, sounding as though there were way more members to Nylon Stroke than just three guys from Perth. Nylon Stroke slaps hard and fast, as hard and fast as the sweat pouring off them as they finished their set.

Nylon Stroke

If you like The Strokes, Sex Pistols, or Motley Crue then you will dig Nylon Stroke!

Setlist: String Me Up, Get Ya Nylons, She Called Shotgun, Tipsy Talk, Pennywise Lives, Nothing Is Easy, Vigilante, Pretty Vacant (Sex Pistols cover).

Nylon Stroke will play at Old Habits on 7 June, get your tickets here.

Follow Nylon Stroke: Spotify | Facebook | Triple J Unearthed | @nylonstrokeband


Ojay were next on the local lineup, this 4-piece from Perth consisting of good mates Jack Condon on lead vocals and guitar, Zack Scilio on drums, James Sullivan on bass guitar and Marshall Hender on electric guitar. They had a tall order following punk rockers Nylon Stroke but Ojay looked like they were keen and eager to rise to the challenge!

And rise they did as they launched into their first track, I Don’t Care. This fast paced band were hitting us with pop rock like popping candy in your mouth but in your ears with their sweet delicious tunes. Ojay kicked it into gear with roaring guitars for their next track, Private Eyes, which was reminiscent of Green Day or even Good Charlotte, with the punchy bassline and driving riffs.

They followed Private Eyes with a song that they have just released and which was having its debut being played live for the first time, called Takotsubo. This track was really punchy and fun, and really highlighted Condon’s gravelly vocals well. They were like velvet rolling over chocolate as he sang that ‘there’s something in the water that will leave you broken hearted and running from me’. Ojay are a very rocky band and they fit together nicely on stage, although they too had to squish onto the stage at the Four5Nine.

The stage was quite crowded with them plus music gear, but they made it work and owned the stage, with a rocking stage presence that drew you in! The riffs by Hender and Condon were wicked, punchy and driven in the right direction while Sullivan and Scilio carried the beat with deep bouncing bass notes and fast drum licks. Condon’s voice continued to growl as Sullivan dropped a fat bouncing bass solo into Creep In The Night and then lead it through to Only Open Roads.

Scilio showed us what it means to be a drummer with an epic hard hitting drum solo that made my toes curl! The crowd cheered him on clapping along. The show wasn’t without its hiccups as Condon broke a string while playing because when Ojay play, they play hard! Condon commented that every Ojay song a string breaks but thankfully there was a backup guitar on hand to continue rocking out. There were calls for a shoey too, but thankfully they didn’t have the time (seeing this happen makes my stomach hurl so I was relieved!)

Condon announced a special guest as Jordy from local Perth band Belgravia jumped up on stage to cheers and applause from the crowd. Jordy and Ojay came together to sing a phenomenal cover medley which started with the Star Wars theme song which turned into a cover of Come Together by The Beatles, and further included covers of Welcome To Paradise by Greenday, Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry, Fallout Boy’s Thanks For The Memories, I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco, Misery Business by Paramore, Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo and Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon. The covers medley proved Ojay (and Jordy) have an incredible range musically and vocally, adjusting to all the different styles (and playing styles!) with ease.

Ojay ended their set with their final song called 1300. The crowd were super vibing with this number, a typical indie / pop rock track. Condon showed his sweet side coming into the crowd to give his lady a little kissy kiss. It was an awesome track to end an awesome set by an awesome band!

If you like Kings of Leon, Vulgurite or Karnivool, you will enjoy Ojay!

Setlist: I Don’t Care, Private Eyes, Takotsubo, Creep In The Night, Only Open Roads, Cover Medley, 1300.

Ojay play Amplipalooza at Amplifier Bar on June 22, tickets available here.

Follow Ojay: SpotifyFacebook | Triple J Unearthed | Website | @ojay_official_


The third band of the night were skate punk 3-piece Heligan. These local Perth lads are another trio of tasty dips comprised of Miles Green on vocals and guitar, recent addition Will Gordon on bass and Sean McMurdo on drums. Heligan opened the local music festival Perth Rocks in 2023, and opened for Unwritten Law last year. They have previously played with Perth sweethearts Southern River Band among a whole host of other legendary outfits.


Heligan love overdriven guitars and screeching ear burning solos in their melodic punk rock songs with fast paced lyrics that scream at you! They have wicked drum fills and epic soaring guitar solos that make me feel like I am being ripped off my feet and launched into space. When reviewing my notes to write this part of the review for Heligan, my notes comprise the words ‘wild’, ‘wicked’ and ‘absolutely insane’ which I feel is an accurate portrayal of this hardcore punk band.


If fast paced was fast, Heligan were off the speedo charts! Jonny from Colourmind described Heligan as ‘the future of Perth music’ and I would have to agree, they really are wild, wicked and absolutely insane, from the riffs and fat bass notes to the drum fills that are so dynamic you wonder how sticks can move so fast. The guitar solo on top, pure magic!


Their tracks could feature on video games, arcade games or on movies about super heroes. Heligan date to punch the music scene in its face and the crowd ate up every bite! These guys are definitely worth checking out if you get the chance! See for yourself why I wrote they were wicked so many times in so few words!

If you like The Hard Ons, Southern River Band or Grunge Barbie, you will probably like Heligan too!

Setlist: Panic Attack, Gone, Nothing More, Break The Cycle, Media Over Mind, Disconnect Me, Castaways.

Follow Heligan: Spotify | Facebook | @heliganband


Finally after all the appetisers to whet the appetite, it was time for the main course served up by none other than local Perth rock legends themselves, Colourmind. If you haven’t heard of them, Colourmind is a local 4-piece punk rock band that has been around since 2020 and recently signed to Raging Bear Artist Management. It is the musical baby of Jonny Essiech and Adam Healy before Healy left to pursue Nylon Stroke. Colourmind features Jonny Essiech on electric guitar and backing vocals, Reginald King on bass guitar, Matt Wenke on drums and backing vocals and Jimmy J Watson leading the charge on lead vocals and electric guitar. Tonight was the launch of their new single, Quarter Life Crisis, which has already made it to number 3 on the Amrap charts.

When Healy left to pursue his own band Nylon Stroke, Essiech stumbled across singer Jimmy J Watson on Facebook. Speaking fondly of that time in those early days, Essiech recalls how he sent the demo for Sweet Surrender to Watson to see what he thought and a few hours later Watson had sent it back with his own vocals and touch added. Essiech says that was it, he immediately wanted Watson in the band and three days later they recorded Sweet Surrender in studio, with bass player Tristan Chopping and Wenke adding their own magic touches to the song. This happened with their new tracks too.


Speaking with Essiech, he told me that Quarter Life Crisis was one of the first songs written in Colourmind’s early days with Healy, though by Essiech’s own admission he says it was bland and primitive. Essiech describes it now as ‘everyone has added their own cherry to the cake’ as they went on to produce the wicked track that Quarter Life Crisis is now.

To say I was excited to review Colourmind is an understatement. This is a band that is young, ambitious and not afraid to chase after what they want. Their songs Fight For My Life and Endless have been played multiple times on Short Fast Loud on Triple J for weeks in a row. I was excited to see them live after having not seen them for quite a while! I wasn’t the only one excited to see Colourmind as there was a fair representation of the local Perth music scene amongst the crowd, and a lovely assorted collection of parents, family members, old Perth rockers and the like amongst the audience also.

The first track that Colourmind played is a new song, as yet unreleased and as yet untitled so I am going to refer to it as New Song even though that is just my name for it and not its actual name. It was written as a breakup ballad by Watson and this song slaps – hard! Watson is a pop punk powerhouse rocker who knows when to go hard and when to pull it right back and refrain. This song, New Song, had the fast paced heavy hitting drums, electrifying guitar riffs and vocals to lift the roof off the Four5Nine! By the time the final screaming notes rang out of New Song,  Watson and the rest of the band were streaming  with sweat dripping down off of them from all of the intensity and ferocity that the first song brought with it. If you only ever see one song and have to describe Colourmind from it, this would be the song that screams POWERHOUSE!


Adequately warmed up, hot and sweaty, Colourmind were straight into their second song Into The Forest and then into Neglect. These tracks were a lyrical roller coaster, with the rhythm slowing down and speeding up when necessary in key parts of the songs to give the riffs substance and carry the lyrical melody of Watson backed by Essiech and Wenke. Colourmind never stopped moving, and they brought the energy throughout the set for the entire time they were on stage. You can tell this is a band who loves what they are doing!

Essiech was so thrilled for everyone coming down to see them play and graciously thanked the supports, Ojay, Nylon Stroke and Heligan and good friend Jordy from Belgravia. Without further adu, Colourmind launched into their hit song Fight For My Life which has featured on Triple J and gained a lot of momentum on its own for many weeks in a row. There were jumping split leg kicks (that I can only dream of achieving) and the spirited front row were going hard. There were fast paced dynamic drums, big fat bouncing bass notes and juicy riffs carrying the tracks. The whole band gave it their all and the crowd gave it right back. This track morphed into their next song, Neglect and Essiech commented this was a song when you want to f*ck shit up and when you want to get angry. There was a small circle pit in the front as the spirited crowd gained momentum for the fast paced rip roaring rager track and Jordy from Belgravia jumped on with some screamo vocals to help them out, adding another layer of awesome to the song.


Endless, and the track following, Last Words, were a blur of emotion. They were both a flex of the kick ass muscles as Endless has as already mentioned, also been featured for multiple plays on Triple J’s Short Fast Loud program. Last Words had a slower start before a massively heavy fall into the deep bass lines and depths of the drums, before the guitar picks up again. It’s a track that is as layered as an onion is, and as deep as an ocean. Its one of their heavier songs, but also one of their deeper emotionally. Both Endless and Last Words hit me right in the feels, the music swirling like deep hues of blues and purples around me with themes of love and family and the lyrics soaring into a melody. It was a true tear jerker that the band dedicated to all the mums out there. It is also at this point that I want to say that it is hard to imagine that Watson was ever not in Colourmind, he is such a good fit for the band. Essiech called Watson ‘the right fit and the missing piece’. He sings the emotionally charged songs so beautifully and with such passion and conviction that they tug at all the heart strings in the best way possible.

The set continued to draw to the climax of the evening, and Colourmind welcomed to the stage Healy, who helped write Quarter Life Crisis, to help play this number out. Essiech gave us some insight about the song. He said himself and Healy wrote this song about never giving up, no matter what stage you are at in life. It was truly a beautiful hardcore punk song, as everyone in the crowd, including the parents and grandparents, put the horns up and waved their arms like a forest of support, giving their energy to the band. This was truly an anthem for the ages.


The rest of the set played out in every ounce of emotional energy with high highs and emotional lows, I didn’t know if I wanted to headbang or hug Watson as he sung each chorus with such conviction, and as the band played with such passionate energy. From Too Young To Live through to Sweet Surrender. Colourmind are a tight unit who have perfected their art to carry these emotions through their songs, pouring their hearts and souls out of their instruments to wash over the crowd. Notable mentions from the last part of the set include a cover of Bodyjar’s Not The Same, and Damnit by Blink 182. The crowd continued to give the energy right back to the band on stage as the mosh kept going and the band kept playing amongst cheers, applause and devil horns held high. This was a night I will never forget that will live in my core memories, cherished forever and honoured to be here.

If you like Blink 182, Bodyjar or Karnivool, you will dig Colourmind.

Setlist: New Song, Into The Forest, Fight For My Life, Neglect, Endless, Last Words, Quarter Life Crisis, Too Young To Live, Not The Same (Bodyjar), Damnit (Blink 182), Sweet Surrender

Follow Colourmind: Spotify | Facebook | Triple J Unearthed | @colourmind_band

Photos by Hunter Brothers Media