LIVE REVIEW: Tex Perkins and Matt Walker with special guest Claudia Tripp



I had grown up with award winner Tex Perkins in my life from the 90’s, it was a staple in most musical diets of people of my age. “The Cruel Sea” had contributed so much for myself and shaped my taste in music, even to this day and the artists that I follow. Our paths had not crossed for years – the last rendezvous was Basso Oval 2000 at Big Day Out… it was an epic line-up fit for a king, back when festivals were all the rage.

I was excited for this show, not just for the opportunity to catch Tex again but also to catch another award-winning artist Matt Walker – it was another string to this already powerful bow that was about to be fired straight at me.

The support for the night is the extremely talented Claudia Tripp, a Western Australian artist who was born to sing and perform. Her youthful persona on stage was as equally as powerful and her song writing abilities and performance. She stood alone on the stage but by the end of her set the fans were singing along with her as one – whether it was her own original tracks or her crafted covers she was a crowd favourite. The fans were warmed up and ready to go.

The venue – The Stirling Arms was more intimate than the Basso Oval, the stage so close, the lighting brings a certain heat when you are at the front almost replicating what the artists will be feeling when performing. They were a vocal crowd, they were getting restless, hoping to catch a glimpse of the two figures that will be entertaining them tonight.

Tex walks out – cup of tea in hand, dressed sharp (as always) with Matt right behind, I noted straight away a certain chemistry between the two blokes, almost felt like best buddies from school about to put on a show for the class. The purest form of entertainment was about to be delivered because they loved the music and loved how they made the fans feel. It was an exciting place to be!

There is such a huge catalogue of songs that fit both Tex and Matt’s style. Please don’t think for a second that this type of gig is all just Tex singing and Matt playing guitar……. it is NOT!!! The thing that really stood out for me was the harmonies of both singing together, they were and are amazing.

Tex has his own defining swagger when performing, the songs that he delivers are driven by passion, artistic flare and talent. He is so animated in this performance, trying to stimulate you both visually auditorily and to be honest I got lost in the moment whilst photographing a few times. His interaction with his fans was unparallel, taking every opportunity to make it personal – I remember multiple times Tex sharing his lolly snakes mid performance with fans in the front row. If that isn’t rock star? I do not know what is…

Matt delivered effortlessly, reiterating his ability to be an award winning artist. Lyrically on point and synergizing so well with Tex it created this entertainment machine that would not be stopped, well at least not for this gig anyway. Matt – cool, calm and collected danced over those strings with no recourse, delivering what the fans wanted, more to the point what the fans needed – I really enjoyed the atmosphere on stage, the comradery that both Matt and Tex delivered it was natural and real. I think the best way to describe it was like watching a musical version of Good Cop Bad Cop – both executed their parts perfectly (I’ll let you figure out who played who).

Highlights for me and had to be top of the list was the crowd sing along to “The Honey Moon is Over” – this was absolutely amazing. Another was the song “Woman with Soul” which Tex dedicated to his mom (a very classy touch) was beautiful and sombre. Another emotional song from the back catalogue from “The Cruel Sea” – “This is Not the Way Home” which was a reflective of my musical youth back in 91 – I really enjoyed it. Last but by no means least there was a cheeky cover (in the encore) of a Slim Dusty classic “On the Road Again” – a fitting end to a fun night of reminiscing.

All up it was a journey back in time, I loved the song choices, the playful banter and the “Aire” that was created by both artists and the fans. Both Tex and Matt worked the crowd, kept them on the edge and delivered a purposeful dose of medicinal enjoyment – administered in full. I highly recommend catching their live gigs before they continue their touring schedule across Australia, you will be delighted, enthralled and awestruck all at the same time. You might even be lucky enough to grab some confectionary of Tex himself (his favourites are snakes).

Thanks Gents. It was an experience I will never forget.
Thanks to Starr Special Events.

GALLERY by Hunter Brother Media



About Rossco Hunter 38 Articles
Radio Broadcaster at Hunter Brothers Media in Perth, Australia