INTERVIEW: Geoff Jenkins – Gwen Stacy

Gwen Stacy 2010


Thanks for taking the time to talk to the Rockpit. Let’s start with an easy one – how long has Gwen Stacy been together in its current incarnation?

There have been a few member changes over the years, but with the current lineup we have been kicking for a little over a year now. The current lineup being myself, Pat (Patrick Meadows – lead guitar), TJ (T.J. Sego – drums), and Brent (Brent Schindler – bass).

How did the band come together? Have you guys known each other for years, or was it a case of “rock band seeks band members?

Haha, no flyers on coffee shop corkboards yet! Brent and TJ actually met years ago when their local bands were playing shows together around Indianapolis. One day they decided to start Gwen Stacy with a couple of their buddies, and have been kickin ever since! Pat came into the picture a few months after the “creation” of the band, and has been alongside Brent and TJ ever since. I met the guys through my old band Once Nothing, and in January of ’09, after ON broke up, joined as the lead singer. So Brent, TJ, and Pat are the “core” of what people know as Gwen Stacy.

Who came up with the name and how? I mean, we all know who Gwen Stacy is, but who was influenced enough to recommend the name?

The original four guys in the band were all super huge comic book freaks. When they were trying to come up with a name for the band they decided they wanted to use an obscure character’s name. If I’m not mistaken, it was between Gwen Stacy and Professor X… Luckily they chose the better of the two haha!

You guys have released CDs, both independently and through a label, and just came off back-to-back tours – do you all still have day jobs or does this pay the bills?

I think anyone in a touring band has an understanding of what money is like as a musician. Some of us work when we are at home. Its always something new when you lead this lifestyle.

What about new stuff – are you writing material for the next release and what can your fans expect musically?

Yes, we are currently writing for our third full-length. We are still in the beginning stages of the process so I can’t really give any specifics as to what the sound will be. I will say that you can expect a faster and heavier Gwen Stacy though! We want to stay true to the roots, but in a matured manner as far as progression is concerned. We aren’t really interested in writing the same record twice.

What are your influences individually and as a band?

I think our influences, as far as heavy music, naturally come out in our own music. Individually we have a wide range of favorites from Incubus to Green Day to Thrice to Muze and so on haha! If I had to narrow it down I would say: Poison The Well, Beloved, The Dillinger Escape Plan, and probably some Thrice. It’s always changing though.

What do you guys think of the current Metal scene? You guys were just out with God Forbid and Kittie, two innovators of the “metalcore” genre. Are they bands you guys followed or have been influenced by?

I think in one way or another we are all influenced by each other. I, personally, had not listened to Kittie or God Forbid before we got to tour with them, but if you have seen either of them live then you will understand why I am now a fan of both! I’m incredibly excited about the current metal scene! It seems like everyday there are new bands popping up that play faster, heavier, and louder and if that’s not something to get stoked about then I don’t know what is haha! It’s just incredibly awesome that so many different people feel comfortable enough to express themselves artistically.



What was your favorite part of touring with these two seasoned bands? You don’t have to share what your fav part was/is Geoff… LMAO.

Haha you went there eh? The best part of the Kittie/God Forbid tour for me was how chill everyone in the bands were. The first day I expected to show up and see both bands in buses and probably not get to talk to too many of them, but I quickly found out that this was not the case. Every single person on the tour just wanted to hang out, and have a great time which is exactly what we all did!

I caught up with the tour for three stops in Michigan and met you guys on St. Patrick’s Day in Mt. Clemens, MI (that is a story for another time). What were some of your favorite cities and/or clubs on the run you had on that tour?

Although every show was incredible, I would say that a few of our favorite stops were in Nashua, NH, Orono, ME, and Waterloo, IA.

What have you guys been listening to recently?

We all listen to different stuff. Lately, I’ve been getting back into stuff I listened to in high school such as: Korn, Limp Biscuit, Eminem, Linkin Park, etc. It’s pretty much the greatest thing ever haha!

Do you have any great rock n roll debauchery stories or Spinal Tap moments you might like to share? If there are any good stories that maybe we shouldn’t share here, let’s share them over a bottle of Jamison or Knob Creek… oh wait, we have done that… haven’t we??

Hahaha! If you want to get to know Geoff Jenkins then come hang out with me at a show, and be prepared to hang hard! I’ve been known to get a lil’ rowdy on occasion! (As an aside, I have hung with Geoff… he tells no lies here).

What is next for Gwen Stacy – any big plans?

As mentioned before, we are in the early stages of writing for our third full length. We are off for a couple of months getting ready for a couple of tours we have planned for this summer. Keep an eye on our Myspace for tour announcements and date locations. After the summer touring we are aiming to get back in the studio. Nothing is laid in stone yet though so hang tight and keep your ears open for GS news!

Where can readers go to check out more about Gwen Stacy?

Information and announcements about Gwen Stacy and such are always going up on our web outlets. Check out our Myspace for the easiest access to all of that and you will find links to other profiles we have around the web!

Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us – we hope you will drop by and say hi!

I heart you Todd


About Todd Jolicoeur 49 Articles
US based photographer and writer -